How to be a conservative – Part 2

…inspired by my mentor, Roger Scruton (All quotes, unless otherwise attributed, are from How to be a Conservative by Roger Scruton.) In Part 2, I continue with Scruton’s advice on how we conservatives can fight the good fight to preserve and enhance the strength of...

How to be a conservative – Part 1

…inspired by my mentor, Roger Scruton (All quotes, unless otherwise attributed, are from How to be a Conservative by Roger Scruton.) “It is not unusual to be a conservative. But it is unusual to be an intellectual conservative.” With these opening words in How to be a...

The worst of times, the best of times

The worst of times I thought our generation had somehow allowed the rot of left-wing progressive thought to contaminate the Western world of liberal democracy. But the infection started long before that, originating from Marx and Engels in the mid-1800s and spreading...

What is a conservative?

In the Western world awash in left-liberals with their nanny-state interference in every nook and cranny of our lives, it becomes mandatory that I proclaim, “I am a conservative.” And I accept that my historical duty, as William F. Buckley so aptly put it, is “to...